Food Distribution - November 1st / Distribución de alimentos: 1 de noviembre

GrandView Baptist Church (1401 Interstate 30, Mesquite Texas 75150)

Volunteer training and set-up will be from 9:00 - 10:00 am / La capacitación y preparación de los voluntarios se realizará de 9:00 a 10:00 a. m.

Food Distribution will be from 10:00 am - 12 noon / La distribución de alimentos se realizará de 10:00 a. m. al mediodía.

Some of our processes will be changing, so more information will be coming soon about the procedures we will use.  If you are available to VOLUNTEER to serve at this distribution, please fill out the form below.

Food Distribution Volunteer Sign-up / Inscripción para voluntarios de distribución de alimentos

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